Language Test Prep

We use a variety of standardized tests to evaluate the progress that our students are making in comparison to other German students nationwide. Our school administers the following examinations:

AATG – Levels II, III, IV

This exam is administered each year to high school students on the second, third, and fourth level of German language study for measurement, placement, and diagnostic purposes. Outstanding secondary students can compete for a three to four-week study trip to Germany with a family stay, attendance at a Gymnasium, and participation in tours. Exam dates are announced at the beginning of each school year and certain criteria must be fulfilled for registration.

Deutsches Sprachdiplom der KMK – Stufe A1, A2, DSD I, und DSD II

The European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) provides scales of foreign language proficiency. The various exam levels provide descriptions of the competencies on which students draw when they communicate. These language proficiency exams include four main parts: reading and understanding, listening and understanding, oral communication, as well as written communication. Exam dates are announced at the beginning of each school year and certain criteria must be fulfilled for registration.

Our school offers preparation for all exam levels, including the DSD II (Deutsche Sprachdiplom II), which, when completed at the C1 level, is a German language proficiency validation for admittance to German universities.

AP Subject Test: German Language

Our school offers AP German Language exam preparation for advanced high school students. While we do not administer the test ourselves, our teachers prepare students to take the AP exam at their home high schools. Exam dates are announced by the College Board at the beginning of each school year and certain criteria must be fulfilled for registration.


Avant STAMP (STAndards-based Measurement of Proficiency) 4S determines language proficiency in 4 domains (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking) for grades 7-16. Avant STAMP 4S is web-based and computer-adaptive, with real-world questions on topics selected to be level-appropriate based on research into topics taught at each level. The DSS will be offering the Avant STAMP test starting in 2018. With completion of the STAMP and by reaching a certain number of points, students will be able to apply for the Seal of Biliteracy within their school district.

Seal of Biliteracy

Establishes State Seal of Biliteracy to recognize high school graduates who have attained a high level of bilingual proficiency.

01/19/2016:  New Jersey Governor Chris Christie approved a statewide Seal of Biliteracy. The legislation passed by the New Jersey Senate (37-0) and New Jersey Assembly (72-2).