The first Saturday of every month during the school year, Deutsche Sprachschule (DSS) parents are invited to join in fellowship over a cup of coffee or a typical New Jersey Diner meal to share DSS stories, discuss issues and concerns, or swap ideas. The Kaffeeklatsch/Breakfast Club is a forum in which new parents can glean information from the experiences and knowledge of long-standing members on such things as future language certification, scholarship, and job opportunities for their students. Discussions about classroom environment, curriculum, and activities can also yield valuable feedback for DSS management and staff. Manny’s Diner, 1030 Raritan, Rd., Clark, NJ, is only 2.5 miles (8 mins) from the school and is a perfect Breakfast Club venue while the students attend class. Join us, our table awaits!
Birgit Maier
Recording Secretary