
Welcome Back 2021 – 2022

Good Morning German School Parents,  We are very much looking forward to seeing your children this Saturday for the first day of classes!  Some things to note:  Registration must be completed online before entering the building. If you have not yet done so when you arrive we will ask that you complete registration on your phone before your child can come into school. We are looking for parent volunteers this year – all adults in the school building will have to show proof of vaccination – but if you are vaccinated we would love to have your help with distributing books to Read More …

School Year 2021 – 2022 Updates

Liebe Familien,  Mit dem Schulstart in nur wenigen Wochen sind die Vorbereitungen im vollen Gange. Anbei finden Sie wichtige Informationen zum neuen Schuljahr mit der Aktualiserung der Covid-19-Regelungen, dem Angebot für den virtuellen Unterricht, und dem Zeitplan.  Wir hoffen, dass diese Informationen hilfreich sind und dass Sie die Anmeldung auf unserer Webseite bis zum 15. August vornehmen können. Dies erlaubt uns eine zeitige Zusammenstellung der Klassen für das kommende Schuljahr. Alle Familien, die Fragen zur Einstufung haben, neu sind, oder den virtuellen Unterricht bevorzugen, sollten zusätzlich zur Anmeldung auch Kontakt mit mir aufnehmen. Wir sind allen Familien sehr dankbar, die uns ihre Kinder wieder Read More …

Year in Review 2020 – 2021

Dear Parents and Students, As the end of the school year is on the horizon, I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the year. This particular year presented a lot of challenges for all of us, but I am also so happy with the successes that our students have experienced because of their engagement and hard work and the support of our wonderful teachers and families here in the German school community. Thank you to all of you!  This year our Kindergarteners and level 1 students had lots of fun in addition to learning the basics Read More …

Celebrating our DSD 1 – B1 Students

The German School celebrates the accomplishments of our students in achieving their DSD 1 – B1 Level German Language Diplomas! The European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) provides scales of foreign language proficiency. The various exam levels provide descriptions of the competencies on which students draw when they communicate. These language proficiency exams include four main parts: reading and understanding, listening and understanding, oral communication, as well as written communication. Our school offers preparation for all exam levels, including the DSD II (Deutsche Sprachdiplom II), which, when completed at the C1 level, is a German language proficiency validation for admittance to German universities.

Opening Plans For the German School

Dear Parents and Students of the German School,  We hope that you are all well and are enjoying your last days of summer! As Labor Day weekend slowly approaches, it is time to gear up for school. Our German school will start September 12th this year, and you have a choice to register your student(s) for either in-person school or virtual learning. The health and safety of all members of our community is very important to us. Therefore, the school board, together with Mr. Veniero and in accordance with the officials of the Winfield school district, have developed an opening Read More …

Welcome To Our New Principal

Dear Parents, Colleagues, and Friends, As this school year draws to a close in the most unusual way, the school board would like to congratulate you on having successfully mastered remote learning! It looked like everyone did really well under the circumstances. The teachers, students, and parents did a phenomenal job adjusting to the challenges of online classes. Before we conduct our last Saturday class for this school year, it is with great pleasure that we would like to introduce you to our new principal, Mr. Salvatore Veniero. Many of you already know Herr Veniero as a beloved teacher of Read More …

End of School Year 2020

To our German School Community, On Saturday, May 9th, 2020, our school year will come to an end. COVID-19 has brought many changes to all of us. For the German School it meant switching on short notice to a remote learning platform.  Principal Frau Koellmann did an outstanding job in training and preparing our teaching staff to work with their students via ZOOM. For these special efforts and hard work the Board of Officers and Trustees would like to thank our principal, our teachers, as well our students and parents for their support. Frau Koellmann has announced that this will be Read More …

German School Coronavirus Update

Dear Members of the Deutsche Sprachschule Family, On behalf of the Trustees and Officers, our thoughts are with you as we confront challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Deutsche Sprachschule, Inc., is adhering to state and federal guidelines and is remaining operational by holding instruction for all classes remotely. I would like to express my deep gratitude to our principal, Frau Koellmann, and our instructional staff for their work to provide uninterrupted instructional service by moving to a remote learning platform abruptly last week. Until Governor Murphy lifts Executive Order 104, all instruction for classes will be delivered remotely. Read More …

In Memoriam – Christiane Friedlander

Dear Deutsche Sprachschule Community, We regret to inform you of the loss of our teacher, Frau Christiane Friedlander, who passed away after a very long illness on the weekend of January 18th, 2020. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to her family and friends. Frau Friedlander was a valued teacher at the German Language School since 1997. She was loved and respected by her colleagues, the student body, and members of the administration. During her time as instructor of our advanced classes, she brought a love of the German language and culture to many students. She was also extensively involved in Read More …

Christmas Program 2019

Dear Students and Families, You are invited to join the German Language School of Union County at our traditional Christmas Program on Saturday, December 14th at 10:30 a.m. This event is open to the public. Santa Claus is expected to drop by with a gift for all children during the program! We look forward to seeing you on Saturday! Happy Holidays, Ilse Maier, School Board